Copperbell Mines

Copperbell Mines

Level 17


Western Thanalan (X:27, Y:17)

Into a Copper Hell

Abandoned once purged of ore, the Copperbell Mines laid abandoned for nigh on three centuries until Amajina and Sons Mineral Concern reclaimed the shafts - the guild's sights set on expanding the mines downward in an attempt to tap yet undiscovered veins of valuable metal. Unfortunately, it was not riches the powder kegs uncovered, but sheer terror, for when the smoke cleared, out poured an army of raging giants from the darkest recesses of the mines. The hecatoncheires - thralls of the lost Thorne dynasty - were, at last, free from their lightless prison; three hundred years of hate fueling their madness.  


Kottos the Gigas

Kottos will cast Grand Slam, which is a tankbuster, so the tank is advised to use mitigation and the healer should be aware of it. Lumbering Leap is a skill where he will jump to three places, making three large AoE circles. There will still be a safe zone with no marker, so just stand there to be safe. He also has a large conal AoE to avoid, and the ability Catapult, which deals moderate damage to a random player.

Ichorous Ire

Ichorous Ire has a tankbuster called Fluid Spread, so use mitigation and healing as needed. Syrup is one where circular AoE's appear under all players, just step out of them. Around 50% health he will split into a bunch of Ichorous Drips, which will all explode, so stay away from them.

Gyges the Great

Gyges also has a tankbuster called Grand Slam. For Gigantic Swing, he'll do a large donut AoE, and the safest spot is right on the boss. Later he'll cast Gigantic Smash, which will put several large AoE circles on the floor. For this one, find a safe spot around the edge. Lastly, there is Colossal Slam, a large cone AoE that targets a random player.
